Love Always Wins
The Master Breakthrough
About TaShia
TaShia as Intuitive
Restorative Healing Program
TaShia Literary Consulting
TaShia's Global Store
The Window TV Show
Transformative Retreats
TaShia's Events, Workshops & Classes
The Sacred Five
7 & 9 Retreat
TaShia the Actor
Where I Go-TaShia's Travels
TaShia's Performance
Spoken Word Performance
The Master Breakthrough
About TaShia
TaShia as Intuitive
Restorative Healing Program
TaShia Literary Consulting
TaShia's Global Store
The Window TV Show
Transformative Retreats
TaShia's Events, Workshops & Classes
The Sacred Five
7 & 9 Retreat
TaShia the Actor
Where I Go-TaShia's Travels
Love Always Wins